Dessert Strawberry Shortcake


I’ve always loved strawberry shortcake because it’s really simple and not too sweet. But I’m not the greatest fan of strawberries (they used to be sweeter, back before they started genetically engineering everything). But God must’ve created strawberries to go with cheesecake, because it’s the perfect pairing for a pastry. I love cheesecake, which is also simple and not too sweet. And I love that this recipe uses fresh strawberries, and not the ones  sitting in heavy syrup.

Strawberry Shortcake Cheesecake

Garnish & Serve

Play the video to see how the end result looks. Personally, I don’t find it necessary to shove whole carrots up my chicken’s ass. That just seems kinda rude to me. This poor chicken already gave up its life to feed me. It’s not necessary to rape it too. And I’m not a fan of putting fruit on my meat either, but that’s just me. I’ve used fruit juice to flavor my barbecue, but fruit with meat isn’t really my thing. But do you see all this butter?!! It’s just vulgar! It’s a stroke on a plate, like the chicken is saying “I’m dead, but I’m taking you with me”. The great thing about this recipe is that you don’t really need sides. You’ve already put them in the pan to cook in garlic butter. So just serve and enjoy!!

SErving NOtes:

Obviously, you don’t have to make the veggies and rice with the chicken. I just thought it was a really neat idea to cook the whole meal at one time in one pan. But leaving out the veggies and stuff has the advantage of giving you some wiggle room when it comes to side dishes. In which case, you can treat it like every there baked chicken in the world and serve it with mixed vegetables and potatoes, and a nice salad on the side. But if you really want to get garlicky and starchy with it, make a side of rice, some garlic mashed potatoes, and get yourself a baguette and make garlic bread. 

Now bear in mind, that all that starch is not really a good thing, especially for diabetics like me. Forget the carb coma you’re gonna have afterward. The real problem is that beyond all that cholesterol on the chicken, you’re now adding starch, and starch turns to sugar when it’s metabolized. So if you’re watching your sugar, just be thankful for the yummy garlic butter chicken and stick with the mixed veggies and salad.