Precision Flying

So I’m seriously afraid of flying. Why? Because the airlines destroyed my love for travel. I’ve flown around the world with no problem. Then some years back, I boarded a flight from Chicago to New York with a very important client. We take off without a problem. But no sooner did we leave the ground than we we’re immediately deafened by the rush of wind in the cabin. No doubt about it…something is definitely wrong. We all know it. Nobody’s talking. Babies are screaming and their parents are clinging to them. Everybody’s praying. I know I shouldn’t be seeing this, so I close my eyes. The captain doesn’t even bother make an announcement. We immediately turn around and make an emergency landing without anyone flying out of the cabin. The ground crew runs out onto the tarmac and sure enough, somebody forgot to lock the door. The airline said nobody was hurt, so nor harm, no foul. But that wasn’t true. I was a mess! I held it together and I flew on to New York, playing it cool for my client until I got to my hotel. But I was never okay after that.  Since then, I’ve never been able to fly without freaking out. Every time I take off or land, I’m convinced we’re going down. So I built this VR simulator to cure myself of my fear by flying sorties with some of the world’s best pilots. Did it work? Hell if I know. I haven’t been back on a plane in years. But I must admit…this was so much fun!