Never seen this before? It’s not your fault. Hollywood did us all a great disservice by not making more movies with these amazing performers. We’ve lost all of these people and what they might have contributed to our film history. But there’s one thing about it that makes me happy…Hollywood lost untold billions by wasting all that incredible Black talent. Imagine the amazing dancing we could’ve seen and the money the studios would’ve made  if the Nicholas Brothers had been given the same chance as Fred Astaire.

Back In The Day

Assorted Performances | USA

This here is how my grandparents got down back in the day. It's really a shame that Hollywood didn't do more with Black actors and performers back then, because they missed out on some amazing film history, not to mention money. Thankfully, somebody finally put some credits on these videos so that we could know who these wonderful dancers were. Shame they didn't live to see it. But I like to think that putting these videos on sites like mine keeps their memories alive.