The GinaVRse Awaits…

Welcome to VR. It's not just gaming. You're a star in the movie!

The cutscene movie you're looking at is from the game "Call of Duty" It's not your average video game. It's a cinematic world, and you are really there, fighting this war. That's the beauty of VR. It puts you in the middle of the action. Affordable, wireless VR is the hot thing in tech right now. Why is wireless a thing? Well, take a look at the lady up top. She's having fun, but she probably spent upwards of $1,500 for her VR rig. She had to install that fugly pulley system in her living room. And she needs a killer PC to run her games (called PCVR). Anything less than a super-fast gaming computer makes that headset useless.

But the lady on the left has an Oculus (Meta) Quest 2, so no PC is needed. All her games are installed on the headset. There are no wires or cameras to set up. The cameras are all built into the headset. You just put on the headset and play. And it's cheap, Cheap, CHEAP! You don't need thousands of dollars. You can find a Quest 2 128gb headset for $299. That's what I have because I'm not that big on gaming, so I really don't need more. The headsets range between $299 and $399. It comes with it's own catalog of games, but you can still play all your favorite PCVR games…and play them wirelessly.

The GinaVRse…

So what’s with the VR in GinaVRse? VR stands for “virtual reality”. The word “virtual” means “simulated”. It’s an artificial environment. All you Trekkers out there can think of it as your own personal Holodeck, because that’s exactly what it is. You are in a real 3D space. You can walk around in it, sit, stand, duck, even run. There are party apps where you can meet people, go on dates,  and even see concerts. What VR does for you is make the 3D world inside your headset life sized. You can interact with everything in your virtual world. When you put on a headset, you are no longer confined to a computer screen. Your room becomes a world. Everything, including this vlog, becomes gigantic. You will experience your virtual reality at a real-world scale. People and places are scaled up so that they’re the same size as you. So when you’re watching a dance video, it feels like the dancers are standing right in front of you. When you’re watching a driving video it feels like you’re really in the car. And when you watch a beach party, it feels like you’re at the party, in the crowd

VR just gave me the tools I needed to create my own personal creative space in the virtual world. The GinaVRse only exists inside a headset. If you’re on a PC, you’re just peeking in the window. You need a headset to experience my virtual reality. I made everything nice and dark to reduce eyestrain. The GinaVRse is an expression of the universe in me. You can visit my planets, sample my atmosphere, see all my sights, and play on my Playground. I love having you here. But I’m all about keeping it real. If my virtual reality is a little too real for you, that’s cool. This is where I come to turn off my filter and be myself. If the GinaVRse isn’t for you, it’s okay! Go create a YOUniverse of your own and send me an invite!

That’s about it. I hope you have as much fun exploring the GinaVRse as I had creating it!