It's Really Affordable

Yeah…really. That doesn't mean it's cheap. But if you can pinch $50 off every paycheck for just three months, it's all yours!

It's The Best Home Gym Ever!

There are tons of apps that let you work out just about every part of your body…the kind of workouts that you will definitely feel the next day.

It Can See Your PC

Connect your headset wirelessly to your PC with "Virtual Desktop" to use your computer, so you can expand your VR library with PC-VR Games.

It's a Virtual Office

Pull your keyboard and chair into VR to create a virtual office, and collaborate with anyone, anywhere in the world.

It's Totally Social

Find friends or meet new people at virtual parties and concerts. Or you can invite friends to meet you for a multiplayer game.

It's Great for the Disabled

You can walk, run, play and even fight battles with your virtual body. It's also great for the elderly and dementia patients.



If you’ve got the fiscal discipline to set aside just $50 bucks a paycheck in your savings account (assuming you have one), you can get yourself an Oculus Quest 2 in just three months time and still pay all your bills. You should be doing that anyway so you always have a little something for yourself. There are more expensive VR systems in the world, but if price is an issue, the Oculus Quest 2 is definitely the way to go!

Two Kinds of Affordable

128 GB Oculus Quest 2 • $299

This is the entry level model, for newcomers to the VR game. If you’re just starting out and you’re not big into gaming, this is definitely the headset for you. The 128GB drive is plenty for a noob, leaving you lots of room to grow your library as you become more savvy.

(Caddy sold separately)

256 GB Oculus Question 2 • $399

This is the big daddy, for people who are serious about their gaming. The bigger the game, the more space it needs. And as VR games become more intricate and sophisticated, more is definitely better. And you’re gonna need all that extra space to grow your library. 

(Caddy sold separately)


If what you want is to burn calories, you’re gonna be shocked at how easy it is to get your sweat on in VR. I don’t just mean with dedicated workout apps like Supernatural, Rezzil, O Shape and Thrill Of The Fight. But games like Pistol Whip, where you pretend you’re John Wick and shoot up bad guys give you a core and leg workout like you wouldn’t believe. Beat Saber (pictured above) and SynthRiders will have your tongue hanging out with killer cardio. And all of it is so much fun that you’re not even aware that you’re working out. But you will definitely feel it the next day!


" I’m an only child, so I'm really particular about how I spend my time, and my money. I choose to spend mine in my holodeck…exploring me."
Gina…In My Opinion
Blog Designer

A 21st century Holodeck

Your own personal holodeck…ready to go when you are

Seriously, who doesn’t want this? With the touch of a button, you are instantly transported from your dull living room to a jungle, to do battle with giant mechanical spiders. Or play zero-gravity frisbee. Or hump the boonies with your AR-15, killing enemies with the Marines. That’s not Star Trek. That’s an average night at my house. Want some of that action? Then it’s time to go VR.



Do you live to work, or work to live? I’m an American, so the obvious question for me is “Can’t I do both?” I’m lucky enough to do something that I truly love for a living, and the pay is great. So what could be better for someone like me, than to be able to both work and play in VR? One of the coolest things about VR to me is that you can create a virtual office space for yourself. And I mean the kind of office you’ll probably never have in the real world. Want that bitchin all-glass corner office with the great view of the city and skyline? Maybe you’d like to set up shop in a coffee house. Or a library in Paris. With an app called “VIRTUAL DESKTOP“, I can connect to my PC, have access to all my files, and create a virtual environment to use as my office. And it’s not just for work. You can play all your PC games on a huge screen, or have your own private movie theater or home media room to watch movies. All you need is soda and popcorn and it’s movie night at your house!

Creating a Virtual Office

It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when looking at its layout. The point of using Lorem Ipsum is that it has a more-or-less normal distribution of letters, as opposed to using ‘Content here, content here’, making it look like readable English. Many desktop



You can wirelessly connect your keyboard to your headset and make it show up in VR. You can also scan your desk and chair and they’ll show up in VR as well. You can also work see and interact with people in VR. There are free apps that will allow you to see the people you work with, and collaborate with them using whiteboards and other tools that are built into the app.

Look What You Can Do!

Your Chair in VR

In under a minute, you can scan your chair or sofa with your controller and create a replica of it in VR. That way, even with the headset on, your chair is always visible and available for you, even if you've been standing up and walking around in VR.

Creating Monitors in VR

Need to create an entire office in VR? There's an app for that. "Immersed" will allow you to not only see your computer, but you can create as many screens as you want, at any size you want, and work on them like you would in the real world!


Need your real keyboard in VR? No problem!

Cas knows how to make it happen. Check out this video for instructions. And be sure to go to my VR Guru page to see more of her videos, as well as those of other industry experts in the know.


Half the fun of VR is in discovering what’s possible. The other half is in doing it. Are you ready to fly? Float around in a zero-gravity environment? Climb mountains? Travel the world from your sofa? That’s not even a fraction of what you can do in VR. Forget watching John Wick movies. You can BE John Wick. Quarterback a football game from your wheelchair. Or just go fishing. Outfit your library with all the things you love to do, and get into spending quality time…with yourself.


The Hookup

The World of Sansar

Want a second life in VR? Sansar is cool as hell, but I don’t think it’s available for the Quest 2 yet. But check it out. It’s only a matter of time before Oculus users will be able to party in Sansar!

VR Chat

Wanna meet people in VR? This is where you go. You can invite friends or just go out and mingle in public chat spaces. Create your own rooms and keep out strangers. It’s your party, after all. 

Getting Freaky in VR Chat

You know where this is going, right? Y’all are nasty! I was just gonna tell you that it’s not safe for work, and you should keep your kids out of chat spaces, or they could end up here.

VR isn't just for gaming. You can meet friends and get to know people

The same rules apply in VR as with computers…don’t just let your kids do whatever the hell they want in cyberspace. Play these videos and you’ll understand why. Some of the nastiest people on Earth are on the internet. So VR Chat should be out for kids. As for you…if you don’t care about your marriage or your relationship with your significant other, go right ahead and do what you’ve gotta do. Just remember, not everyone is who they say they are. Remember that movie with Bruce Willis called “Surrogates”? Let me put it this way: Just because someone is using a girl’s avatar doesn’t mean you’re talking to a girl. Or a guy. Remember that when you start dating in VR. But if you’re cool with it, do you!



Researchers at MIT have discovered that VR does amazing things for the disabled, the elderly, and people suffering from dementia. Imagine giving someone who’s bedridden or in a wheelchair the ability to feel like they’re walking, running and jumping again. Or giving an elderly person the ability to fight like John Wick, or visit their childhood home on the other side of the world. There’s something about immersion in the VR world that seriously stimulates the brain and gets those endorphins pumping. The disabled, sick and shut in feel amazing after a VR session. So much so that VR is becoming a therapeutic tool for nursing and convalescent homes around the world!

VR and the Elderly

It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when looking at its layout. The point of using Lorem Ipsum is that it has a more-or-less normal distribution of letters, as opposed to using ‘Content here, content here’, making it look like readable English. Many desktop

VR and The Disabled

VR and Autism

This a subject that is near to my heart as my son is autistic. Tech-based therapies like this one took him from a non-verbal child to a university student, majoring in computer science. 

VR and Chronic Pain

VR is making it possible for doctors to treat chronic pain without the use of pharmacology. Imagine a world with no more painkillers or deadly addictions.

VR and Disabilities

The implications are clear…allowing the disabled to use their bodies and feel the exhilaration of unassisted movement again is a bonafide miracle.