Will we even make it to the future, or is imagination as good as it gets?

Well, it’s not looking too good right now. I used to think the future would be all about flying cars, vacations on the Moon, and of course…joining Star Fleet. But not anymore. Our oceans are choked with garbage, and our air is full of environmental poisons. We’ll be lucky if our grandchildren will be able to live on this planet. I’m not even optimistic about the Earth being able to sustain human life as far as 2050, which is why I picked that year. Given how fast our planet is falling apart, if we can get that far, we might have a chance, so I remain hopeful. Not because I think that we’ll grow up and get down to dealing with our climate problem. No, I’m being realistic. I’m thinking that our survival instinct will kick in and the rational among us will take control of the situation before it’s too late. I think that as our cities flood, our food supplies dwindle and our oceans die, the threat of starvation and death will motivate us to innovate the technologies we need to clean up the mess we made of this planet. And from that will come a lot of super cool, fun stuff to look forward to…if we make it. And right now, that’s a mighty big “if”.