Go Jump Off a Cliff

I will never understand what it is about flirting with death that people find appealing. Having experienced it vicariously through VR, I get how exciting it must be to do it for real. I get it. You get to experience what it feels like to be a bird. No aircraft. It’s just you, the suit, and a parachute. But let’s be honest…you could die doing this. People have gotten seriously maimed and crippled attempting this. And I’m talking about professionals who teach others how to do it safely. There is no safe way to jump off a mountain. You can do everything right and still things can go horribly wrong. And yet, if it’s at all physically possible after a catastrophic injury, they get right back up on that horse and do it again. And again. And again. I’m all for facing one’s fears, but in my opinion, this is just tempting fate.