San Francisco • Shopping

San Francisco

Where to Shop

Shopping in San Francisco

What do you say about Manhattan that hasn’t already been said? Even if you had an infinite supply of money, it’s just not physically possible to actually do everything there is to do in New York, or even just Manhattan. But I’d love to die trying. The one inescapable fact about this place is that it’s not for broke-assed people. It’s the capitalist heart of a capitalist country. Literally everything is ridiculously overpriced here. Yes, it’s filthy, polluted and crowded. But people still come from around the world to live, work and play here because it’s just so much fun!

Spend Some Money!

Half the fun of traveling is spending money at the local stores and boutiques. So get your credit card out because listed below are links to many of the Manhattan stores you’ll see in these videos. It’s not quite the same as being there to browse, but don’t let that stop you. The beauty of living in the 21st century is that everybody has a website! So take the video tour of Saks, or Bergdorfs, or the Prada stores, and if you see something you like, they’d all appreciate it if you’d stop and shop! All these stores will deliver straight to your door, wherever in the world you happen to live. When you think about it, isn’t this better than lugging around a bunch of bags?

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