Mind Control

What in the World Has Happened to Real News?

Can you see the subliminal messaging at work here? You don’t need to hear what they’re saying. Just look at the titles flashing in front of you…lots of loaded words telling you what to think. Words like “road to ruin”, “failed record”, “failures pile up”, “gas prices soar”, “America weaker”, “multiple crises”, and my all time favorite loaded word, “FEAR”. Be afraid. Be very afraid. CNN and MSNBC are really no better. They’re just a little more subtle. But none of that is news…it’s opinion. Punditry. MIND CONTROL. Read the headlines on each of these stories. Watch the titles and crawls with the sound off and look for words that are meant to elicit an emotional response from you. This, more than anything is why we are not one American people in the “United” States of America: Media. The only way to escape this mind control is to deny it battle. Go do something else. Read the story titles and see for yourself. See if you notice the difference. PBS avoids the loaded words and gives equal time to both parties FACE TO FACE. That’s important, because when you let them go head to head, you get to decide for yourself what to think. PBS is news the way news was meant to be…who, what, where, when, why, and how. Then let’s hear everyone’s point of view from all sides.