Need for Speed

When Nothing Less Than Terminal Velocity Will Do

WARNING!!! If you are new to VR, this could make you really nauseous, so be sure to turn a fan on yourself before you begin or you will throw up. As with seasickness, your eyes and ears are lying to your brain, fooling it into believing that the virtual ground plane is actually moving, when it totally isn’t. A fan will orient your body in real space and stop the nausea in its tracks. So use it…you’ll thank me later. Now that we’ve got that out of the way, welcome to the ride of your life. Whichever ride you pick, you are challenging your senses to experience something you are probably unlikely to ever do in real life…fly an F-16, base jump, skydive, even drive a Nascar. I’ve been careful to choose vids that have no music so you get the full experience of what it sounds like to be there. If this is one of your first experiences with VR, take it easy. Do it for a few minutes and stop for a bit. Or go ahead and throw up. I don’t really care. As long as you have a great time, it’s all good!