The Dark Side
The Scene Of the Crime
Old Time Crime from Back In the Day
All parties have to end, but it ended really Badly for these people. most were not innocent victims. the Grim Reaper came calling because they did something to bring him there.
Everybody’s gotta die, but not like this. Dying in bed, surrounded by loved ones was not in the cards for these people. You may see this as gory but I don’t. This is just life, and the peculiar way it ended. You don’t get stuffed into a barrel or trussed up like a steer in a rodeo for no reason. Every picture tells a story. But none of these stories had a happy ending. It doesn’t take a lot of imagination to figure out what happened to most of them. They owed money, stole money, or were robbed of money. THey were stalked, violated, victimized, or just in the wrong place at the wrong time. Life isn’t usually fair, but sometimes it really is. Some of these people were hip deep into some bad juju, and they definitely had it coming.
This is who we human beings really are…savages who kill each other out of anger, for lust, or to steal each other’s stuff. It’s who we’ve always been. We’re way worse than the dinosaurs. They just killed each other to eat. But human beings have always been angry, hateful savages who will hack each other to bits over pretty much anything. These people died because of money, love, sex, or because they pissed somebody off for the last time. You might be tempted to feel sorry for them, and some of them really do deserve your pity because they were just innocent victims who came to a really nasty end. But at least for some these people, you can kinda tell they were up to no good when the end came. Statistically, you almost always know the person that’s killing you…a husband, wife, your girlfriend’s husband, Or you know the person who sent your killer, like the loan shark you couldn’t repay, or the dope dealer you robbed. In the last moments of their lives, the overwhelming majority of murder victims know exactly why they’re being murdered. Some of the victims you may recognize. Others you won’t. They were bootleggers, gamblers, gangsters, cheating spouses, prostitutes…people who, for whatever reason, were living the kind of lives that brought them in contact with the people who ended them. That’s not a judgement on my part, and I’m not trying to make light of it. But let’s keep it real. Most of these people were into some pretty nasty stuff. And this time, they couldn’t get out of it. These victims have been dead for decades. So are the people who loved and lost them, and the people who killed them. The stories I’ve included here are meant to be food for thought. Some got away with murder. Others clearly did not. But saint or sinner, victim or perp, one thing is certain…they are all equal now.